Last night Larry and I were watching a news show and they were reporting on Michael Vick. Lawyers were debating what his sentence should be and the debate was getting heated. Somebody brought up the fact that supposedly this past week, Vick said he "found Jesus." The newscasters were asking if this should make any difference in his sentence or the public forgiving him for what happened with the dogs. One of the lawyers, being totally serious, said, "Michael Vick found Jesus this week. Unfortunately that was something these dogs did not get a chance to do..."
We laughed so hard. Lawyers can sometimes really grasp at straws and this was really one such time.
I began to feel kind of convicted. In ten years of having our dog Geena I don't think any of us have shared the plan of salvation with her. I mean, according to these lawyers, time has not run out yet for her to make that decision...
I guess we could practice on our pets.When they get excited and jump around and lick us--we will get a chance to feel what it is like not to have the message rejected. When they turn and walk away--it will give us a chance to know it really does not hurt to be rejected. ;)
A new witnessing tool--maybe we are on to something. :)
Still I could not believe what I was hearing!
On a more serious note, though - I don't think that "finding Jesus" should lessen Michael Vick's sentence. Dogfighting is illegal. Period. And cruelty to animals, besides being just plain wrong, leads to cruelty to human beings. Jesus is merciful, but sin still has consequences!!!