I for one am a happy camper. (By the way, Larry and I are crazy about Alton Garrison and Doug Clay too...and would have been thrilled if either of them got GS as well.) But to have Bro. Wood is just a delightful thing. I for one, am very proud to say he is our General Superintendent.
Why will women be happy that Bro. Wood is our superintendent? Because he celebrates women in ministry, he doesn't just tolerate it. To read just how strongly he feels about it, check out one of his sermons on the subject, here. He doesn't just hold this view, he makes it very public that this is the way he feels and more than that, he ACTS on what he believes on this issue. Dr. Wood is a genuine friend to women in ministry, everywhere.
Yes, Larry is happy about Bro. Wood being our superintendent, but I think I for one am just a little bit happier!
By the way, if you would like to join the "I want to be George Wood When I Grow Up" group on Facebook, click here. Some brilliant Bible college kid put this together...one who obviously knows a good theologian who rightly divides the word of truth when he sees one. :-)