Out of respect for someone else, I won't answer that.
2. Do bad things happen more often to good people or bad people?
The Bible says the rain falls on the just and the unjust. That's not just a pat answer to me, it's reality. I believe bad things probably do happen a bit more to "bad people" because they are purposely heading in that direction however there is no doubt that bad things happen to really good people.
3. How much do you believe that you can improve your outlook in life (from a “fate” perspective) by doing good deeds and correcting past wrongs?
Hmmm...that's a tough question. I believe we can improve our outlook just by determining to. It's a DECISION. Sometimes I don't always make that decision, I have to confess. I get tired. I believe anytime we get our eyes off of ourselves and do for others, or improve ourselves, our outlook changes. However, nothing permanent really takes place without a heart change before God. I have ability to "do" a lot of things and accomplish a lot but at the end of all that I've still been empty sometimes. The fact is, I need Jesus to help me in changing my heart/perspective.
4. Take the quiz: What will happen to you in the future?
No, I'm not going to talk this quiz. All I have to do to find out my future is READ THE BIBLE. The Word is life - truth.
5. Do you believe in fate, coincidence, or both?
I believe in divine appointment which is another thing altogether. I believe God has one for us every single day. The past few days I think I've missed mine. Maybe that's part of what I'm dealing with right now. I need to look for a divine appointment around every corner and my problems start looking really small.
6. Overall, when “bad things” happen, how often do you believe the victim generally “had it coming?”
Less rather than more. As a pastor, I've seen an awful lot of bad things happen to wonderful people. Take Val Livingstone, for example. We had her funeral today. She was a precious 54 year old woman, full of life, laughter and so much to give who was taken away young by bone cancer. She didn't "have it coming." There are a lot of Val's out there that I've ministered to, and it breaks my heart. Now and again something happens and I think, "they had it coming," but rarely in comparison to others who were just living life and got attacked.