Check it out tonight and see my hot babe as he leads America in prayer. :-)
Oh by the way, we always have a "word of the night" that he lets me know he's thinking of me. Tonight the word is "welcome."
He always takes somebody with him when he hosts, just for company. (They don't say anything, they just sit quietly in the studio for 3 hours while he does the show and they watch him.) Toinght he took Savanna. She went in her jammies with her little notebook to write in. She is writing a book right now. It's about a boy who is lost and keeps meeting weird girls or something like that. Anyway, he took her for a burger to Wendy's on the way and she's all set. She has been wanting to go with him for a long time and he didn't know if she could handle the 3 hours, but they are giving it a try.
As for me I have just listened to three preaching podcasts while I cleaned out our walk in closet. I have been dreading this but I'm so glad it's done. A few times a year I have to completely organize it. Tonight was the night. The boys and Stephen are out at the movies. I have the house to myself. Since I have listened to three sermons and am totally pumped up on the Word, I'm going to do my prayer list, and then watch Larry for a while on TV and go to bed til I can't stay up anymore. (Show goes from midnight to 3 am.)
Five things that make me real happy about today: 1) My closet is CLEAN! 2) I got my ring back from Littman's today! That makes me happy. It's now perfectly sized. 3) I got my work done somehow even though we didn't have phones, internet, copier, or really anything at the office this week. However I'm making good time. 4) Things are coming along for UNSTOPPABLE. I have the greatest friend in the world! 5) This peach iced tea I made is tasting really good right now.