Nothing about the car yet...I called Master Collision before they closed tonight and they don't know anything yet, They gave the insurance company their report but might not hear for a few days.
Meanwhile I just have to keep my house going and the church going and act like all is perfecto. Good thing I've had this much training.
Through extended family dysfunctions, miscarriage, sickness, car wrecks, operations, and pastoring an abusive church in the past - I've had plenty of training and equipping on the issue of leading through stuff that has me upset.
One of my tactics of survival is laughing a lot. When I can't think of anything to laugh about, I create opportunities like renting movies, or looking up funny stuff on the internet, or even just calling a friend and literally saying, "start talking...make me laugh." It really works well.
I ran across this pic on the internet recently and it cracked me up. I think it's great. Don't people think at all about what ad they put next to another ad? I guess in this case, they did not.
I did end up talking to Larry about the breast cancer Mustang. As I predicted, he doesn't like the idea. No surprise there. I was also right about the fact that he wants to get another car, the sooner the better, if the Mustang is totaled. The one thing all this is showing me is...I have good instincts and can usually read a situation pretty much dead on. Sometimes I hate that. I wish I were wrong more about these things and be pleasantly surprised. But I'm usually right when I'm concerned about something and feel it may be an issue. At times I realize Larry is pacifying me for the moment when I'm upset. I grabbed on to the fact that "everything would go at my pace" but when the rubber meets the road (appropo for a car wreck, don't you think?) it comes down to the fact that Larry won't live with that inconvenience for a few months.
Unless Jesus resurrects the Stang for sure, I need to not only search out a lot of things to laugh about in the coming weeks, but I think I need to go on another fast. I have been on a fast from some things I love the past month or so. That particular fast is ending in another week or so. But I think I need to go on another one - give up a few other things and spend some more time in prayer just to get rid of the angry feelings of losing my car and having no control over what's coming next. When I am disappointed or feeling numb I find that it takes more than just my usual devotions or prayer to get over whatever it is that got me there.