1) I LOVE meeting new people. It doesn't make me nervous at all. There's nothing I like more than walking across a room and introducing myself, and then getting to know someone. It's like an adventure every time. You never know what you're getting and at the end of the conversation you might have just discovered that you have made a friend for life!
2) I LOVE telling people about the Lord. To me this is a no brainer. It doesn't make me nervous...doesn't make me sweat. It's not a burden, it's a joy. I've never quite understood "taking a class" to understand how to share the Lord with people - to me it's just woven into the fabric of who I am - it's something like breathing.
3) I LOVE delving into discussing topics that others are afraid of. I call these "hot potato topics." One of my favorite things with Bernie and Lisa after we have dinner together is saying, "okay, it's time for a hot potato" and then I ask a question like, "how do you feel about the death penalty?" and we sit and discuss it for three hours! Fun! Fun! Fun!
4) I LOVE singing in harmony.
5) I LOVE uncovering the potential in someone's life and pulling it out of them and helping them discover what and who they can be.
And now...the things I hate...
1) I HATE prejudice.
2) I HATE when people don't feed themselves God's Word, don't hunger after God seven days a week, don't put themselves in position to grow, but then somehow blame the church for the 'dry spell' they have been going through. It's like this - YOU AND I are responsible to lift the spiritual spoon to our mouths daily and feed ourselves. If we are dry or "haven't felt God in a long time" or "aren't at the place with God we once were" we have no one to blame but ourselves.
3) I HATE when the phone rings a lot. I'm not a phone person. I'm an "in person" person, an e-mail person, but I think phones are a necessary evil. I like them to make sure my husband and kids are safe, and that's about it.
4) I HATE when I hear that someone in a church has said something that has hurt a child. I realize how those things can affect kids, and I never want my husband, myself, our people or our church to be the cause of a child's hurtful memory connected to Jesus/the Church.
5) I HATE sin and what it does to lives and families. I hate the devil. He's a liar.