Larry was so upset by the phone call from the bank about our mortage going up, that he got in the car and drove over to the bank and demanded to see the manager. The person on the phone had told him it was going up $379 a month. He argued with him for an hour about all the details. When they hung up Larry wasn't just going to take it lying down (that's my husband, and anybody who knows him knows what I"m talking about!). So he went over and talked to the manager and sure enough, Larry was right.
It is not going up anymore than it is now. The guy on the phone was new and completely clueless. At the end of his phone conversation after all this arguing the guy gives him a little "exit interview" as to the quality of the phone call and went down this checklist and said, "Would you say I was clear and gave you excellent service?" Larry say, "uh, DUH...NO!!!"
So what this amounts to was, an employee at the bank made a huge mistake and sent our tax/insurance payment from our escrow account to the wrong place! Amazing. It did go up a little bit last year, but they had adjusted it already and had set that money aside.
Good news - our mortgage is not going up. And I bet the dude who called Larry on the phone is in BIG TROUBLE with the manager this afternoon!
In other good news, my dear friend Maria hooked Larry and I up with an incredible getaway for our 20th anniversary next week. I'm so excited I could scream, but I'm too tired right now because I cried myself to pieces this morning over signing Joy over to Allstate and being told by a dork from the bank that our mortgage went up. I am so excited over this anniversary trip I can't even express it adequately. Not only do we need to celebrate the miraculous 20 years we have had together, but right now - Larry and I just need a break. We are frazzled over many things. And we are about to get the break we need. Thank you Jesus, and thank you Maria.
This morning I was so angry when I went to Master's Collision. I sat in the car one more time but then it was too emotional so I got out and left as fast as I could. I was mad at myself for not just remembering the car the way it was before all this. When I came back to the office from signing the car over this morning, I sat at my desk just numb. And then I glanced at my calendar for today and the quote on it is: "Our road will be smooth and untroubled no matter what care life may send; If we travel the pathway together, and walk side by side with a friend." - Henry Van Dyke
I am blessed with the most wonderful husband in the world, and great friends. And I'm still being made into a diamond.