After service our family went to Olive Garden (Larry gets veggies there like eggplant and stuff which fits perfectly with his Daniel fast - only one more week!) and we gave him his gifts. We got him a pair of Nike golf shoes, and a Steeler cover for one of his clubs. He really liked them.
I thank God that Larry is a caring Father for our children and he has always been a Dad who loves on them and does things with them. My Dad is an hour behind me on time zone and I'm calling him when church gets out there tonight because I want to get the low down on how church services were at his place today. :-) I do love and appreciate my Dad too, BTW.
Speaking of doing things with the kids, let me recommend a movie to any of you reading: "The Last Sin Eater", just produced by Fox Faith. Michael Landon Jr. is the producer. We watched it the other night but Savanna was at Missionette camp so we are going to sit down and watch it with her sometime this week. We will have her all to ourself since the boys are at camp this coming week. Although I think she'll spend quite a bit of time at her second home - the Harts!
After lunch today we came home and took a two hour nap - much needed. I decided to get up after that and go biking for about 45 min. Lately I have been walking because of them re-doing the sidewalks in my neighborhood but I decided today was the day to get back on the bike. Wow, I forgot how beautiful my neighborhood is especially at sunset. My mp3 battery died mid ride but that was okay because I think the Lord just wanted me to hear the sounds around me and most of all listen to His voice. I stayed totally on program today and really have to commit myself to that. I have a new goal as far as my weight is concerned...10% off of my current body weight. I did 10% off already of my starting body weight when I joined WW, and I am not far away from my goal right now, but if I had my druthers it would be another 10% and then I'd be done. It seems a little easier for me in the summer. Most people say it's because of "bathing suit season" but for me it's not, it's a simple fact of wanting cold food like salad, fruits, etc. whereas in the winter I don't crave those as much. Tonight before I went to sleep Larry decided he'd go for a walk around the block with me - which also made me happy.
I came back home and sat on the patio and read and prayed. Tonight for some reason I left II Corinthians where I have been for a while and went to Isaiah 54. That was right what I needed to hear today.
I read some great stuff in Secrets of the Secret Place too. Bob Sorge points out that Psalm 18 says that the Lord has made darkness His secret place. It's amazing how He gets ahold of us when we are feeling down about something or are going through a rough patch in our life. Sorge says, "in the pain of loneliness and aimlessness, the Lord designs to ignite a depth of love relationship like you've never known. Before you were too busy to find or care about it. Now you're so determined to understand the nature of His hand in your life that you're pressing into Him with abandonment and desperation."
Hmm. That's good. It's really my prayer that it won't take that for me to live that way, day to day with the Lord. Why does it so often take desperation? I know God loves desperate prayers and He is faithful to answer them. But I want to get to the point in my life where I never need revival again. Revival was never God's will because He wants us to live in a perpetual state of closeness with Him. Oh that I would live in a place so close to the Father's heart that it won't ever take a desperate prayer for me to get ahold of Him or see His hand move. I want to be in entrainment with Him. Perfect sync. As close as I can get. I'm still I'm not at that place yet. Remember Enoch?