One little detail I forgot about last night...at Chops (the restaurant), the manager wanted to give us something for our anniversary so she gave us a box of Norman Love Chocolates. I thought that was so sweet. They had them on the menu - you could order them for dessert. I'm saving them for another day.
This morning we slept in again and then I had my tea in bed... after a while we got up and went to Iguana Mia for lunch. We don't have that in Tampa, but we've been there before with the Coopers in Cape Coral. It's a yummy Mexican place that's real casual and, inexpensive. Then we went to the outlets here in Naples. Fila was having a huge sale - 90% off of everything in the store. We got sneakers for everyone in our family - these were normally expensive shoes, and we got all of them for 90% off. When we were done, the receipt said, "You just saved $698.00." Is that amazing or what? We walked around for a few hours but just got a lot of good exercise, didn't buy anything else. We came back to the hotel and Larry went to read again and catch up on sports and I headed out to the pool. Once again, it was extremely tranquil. I spent several hours out there. I've been doing my devotions out there during the day - my Bible, Secrets of the Secret Place and Come Away My Beloved and taking time to quietly pray since it's so quiet out by the adult pool. After that I either got in the pool or read some magazines. I spent hours out there and savored every moment of it until it was time to go in a shower and get ready for our evening. Tonight we went to Duval's Street Seafood Company and it was great. The waitress took a few pics of us as you can see, and something funny was all the fish in the case had pink sunglasses on them. It was really cu
te. We ate some wonderful seafood - and then Larry wanted to go over to the movies to see Live Free Die Hard - tonight was the opening night and it was really awesome. I loved it. Lots of scenes to hold Larry's hand real tight and hope for the best. I really enjoyed it.
One more night...just one more...and it has just flown by. Tomorrow it's back to the real world. Thankfully my real world is good. But I love spending time with Larry by myself, also quiet time with just me and the Lord. I have loved every moment of it. It has been a wonderful time away with my beloved. Speaking of enjoying every moment - Larry is ready for bed now, so...........g'night. :-) Till tomorrow...