One thing that means a lot to me about Cathy is that despite the fact that we work together every day and also share a ton of ministry time together outside of office hours, she still respects and loves me. :-) I feel very blessed that way. Sometimes "familiarity breeds contempt". The more a person spends time with you and knows you, the more they have occasion to see what's wrong with you rather than what's right with you. But in this case, familiarity has been nothing but a blessing.
Thank you Cathy, for loving me. I sure do love you. :-) Alright, above are photos of Cathy and her family and here are the questions posed to her and her answers:
Cathy, tell a little about your family/how long you've lived here/your home...anything else you would like to share about this.
I am married to my high school sweetheart, Tom, and have been for almost 15 years. We have 3 daughters, Kirsti 14, Ashlee 12, and Britney 8. I have lived in Tampa my whole life except for 4 years when my husband was in the Marine Corp, we lived in California. We are in the process of saving up to buy a house. At this time, we live in a 3 bedroom townhouse.
How long have you known the Lord? Tell us how you came to know the Lord.
I was saved when I was a child. I was raised in church my whole life but unfortunately I have not always lived the right way. I rededicated my life to the Lord in 2002 and have been going strong for the Lord since then.
How long have you known Deanna?
I have known Deanna now for about 5 years.
Why are you still in relationship with her?
Deanna has taught me so much over these past 5 years, I feel like I have “grown up” so much. She has showed me that I can be a strong woman of God but still be a true lady. She is my greatest mentor and cheerleader and I hope to always have her in my life.
That's a definite, Cathy! Count on it. So share with us...what is your favorite fun thing to do?
My favorite thing to do for fun is hang out with my friends in a coffee house and just sit and talk and of course I love to go shopping! :-)
Yes, you share my great love for buying purses! So tell us...what is your greatest passion?
My greatest passion is to see girls grow into great women of God and for them to find their destiny that He has laid out for them.
That's evident. This can be seen not only in the way you raise your own daughters, but you do a great job in leading our Missionettes girls ministry at the church in addition to all that other stuff mentioned above that you do. You are changing these girl's lives, that is for sure.
So, tell us... what thing about Deanna do you like most?
Her fun loving spirit.
What one thing drives you craziest about her that you wish she would change?
Sometimes she is so naïve that it’s funny.
I have no idea what you mean by that... :-) Okay, is there anything else you want our readers to know - miscellaneous, funny, serious, whatever...??
I thank God everyday that He has put me in the path of Deanna Shrodes. I can honestly say I do not know where I would be right now if it was not for her love and the fact that she saw something in me that I never would of seen in myself on my own.
Thank you Cathy...I'll pay you the $50 I said I would pay you to say this tomorrow at work. :-) Okay seriously...the best is yet to come! I am still seeing things in you that you haven't realized yet and I know the Lord has even greater things than you have ever dreamed of in store. Thank you for being such a blessing, and for allowing me to introduce you to our friends in the blogosphere. You are loved!