The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...

Well everybody keeps asking how I'm feeling and the answer is...better but not completely better. I'm on a lot of medicine so it sort of just keeps me floating throughout the day if you know what I mean...which is fine. I'd rather be floating kind of woozily through life than laying in bed clutching my chest for dear life in between working on the laptop. Sound like a no brainer there. Actually I think the staff might like me even better on drugs. Let's try it another week and see what they think. PD on drugs? Off? What lends itself to better pastoring? We'll let them decide.
Since I had an EKG and everything's cool there, I got back on the elliptical and the treadmill today. I can't just balloon up and gain weight even if I do feel like a mack truck ran over me. I refuse to get out of shape and in fact I want to be in better shape. I still have to lose ten pounds. I'm on my way to that -- lost 5 more pounds last week. Now that I know that nothing's wrong with my heart and this problem is something else, I'm going to exercise again on my bike and the elliptical and walk as many miles as I can -- despite whatever else is wrong with me.
Forty five minutes on the elliptical today actually felt exhiliarating and after we watch Idol tonight we'll hot tub and go to bed!
I normally don't meet the staff for lunch on Tuesdays as I work from home (my quiet day to get all the bulk of my messages, writing projects, etc. done without phone calls) but I did meet them for lunch today at a new place that we all ended up loving called Weck's Deli. I can see this will become one of our favorites for staff lunch. Good news is, they have plenty of HEALTHY things there to eat. Among my favorite already is the pumperickel swirl bread. Yum.
Amidst doing the orders of service for this week, finalizing the booking with Vicki Yohe, answering a gazillion e-mails, meeting with Larry over a bunch of administrative stuff, writing a message, and a bunch of other church odds and ends, I got a leopard print bag and some lingerie. Larry won't care one bit about me buying the bag since I got the lingerie at the same time. That's one of my little wifely secrets. Buy something I really want that he might find questionable, but then get some lingerie with it and it's a miraculous diversion, bait-and-switch tactic. Works every time. It's the notion of, "I could care less that my wife just bought a purse since she just got something that's going to make me extremely happy in the bedroom."
Larry: "How much did you pay for that bag, and why do you need another one? Don't you already have several purses?"
Me: "Yes...but....take a look at what else I got..." (opening robe, modeling lingerie that I strategically had on for him when showing him the purse)...
Larry: (eyes glazing over) "No matter about the purse...just come over here...."
I am now free to enjoy this purse. And he is free to enjoy...well, you know.
Since I had an EKG and everything's cool there, I got back on the elliptical and the treadmill today. I can't just balloon up and gain weight even if I do feel like a mack truck ran over me. I refuse to get out of shape and in fact I want to be in better shape. I still have to lose ten pounds. I'm on my way to that -- lost 5 more pounds last week. Now that I know that nothing's wrong with my heart and this problem is something else, I'm going to exercise again on my bike and the elliptical and walk as many miles as I can -- despite whatever else is wrong with me.
Forty five minutes on the elliptical today actually felt exhiliarating and after we watch Idol tonight we'll hot tub and go to bed!
I normally don't meet the staff for lunch on Tuesdays as I work from home (my quiet day to get all the bulk of my messages, writing projects, etc. done without phone calls) but I did meet them for lunch today at a new place that we all ended up loving called Weck's Deli. I can see this will become one of our favorites for staff lunch. Good news is, they have plenty of HEALTHY things there to eat. Among my favorite already is the pumperickel swirl bread. Yum.
Amidst doing the orders of service for this week, finalizing the booking with Vicki Yohe, answering a gazillion e-mails, meeting with Larry over a bunch of administrative stuff, writing a message, and a bunch of other church odds and ends, I got a leopard print bag and some lingerie. Larry won't care one bit about me buying the bag since I got the lingerie at the same time. That's one of my little wifely secrets. Buy something I really want that he might find questionable, but then get some lingerie with it and it's a miraculous diversion, bait-and-switch tactic. Works every time. It's the notion of, "I could care less that my wife just bought a purse since she just got something that's going to make me extremely happy in the bedroom."
Larry: "How much did you pay for that bag, and why do you need another one? Don't you already have several purses?"
Me: "Yes...but....take a look at what else I got..." (opening robe, modeling lingerie that I strategically had on for him when showing him the purse)...
Larry: (eyes glazing over) "No matter about the purse...just come over here...."
I am now free to enjoy this purse. And he is free to enjoy...well, you know.